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Quality Assurance
The Beacon of Light School aims to ensure all students receive a high standard of education during their time with us.
We aim to ensure the standard of education provided is consistent and effective throughout the school, and has at the its core the values of raising the aspirations and achievements of all students.
All members of staff have a responsibility for ensuring students receive an education of the highest quality. To support this, we have a rigorous Quality Assurance structure in place for monitoring, evaluating and reviewing standards across the school.
This structure advises our Quality Assurance document, which is available to all commissioners, supplementing the Alternative Provision information available to support their own Quality Assurance systems and processes.
The document covers 5 themes:
- Safeguarding
- Health and Safety
- Achievement and Standards
- Teaching and Learning
- Admissions, Guidance and Support
The criteria, although not extensive, have been identified as the key quality indicators for the various aspects and stages of alternative education programmes.
The Quality Assurance process includes feedback from both regular internal processes and external partner visits.
The QA document will be available to commissioners on request.