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Beacon of Light 021

Student Careers

Our Vision

To raise aspirations, engage and prepare students for these everchanging opportunities, responsibilities and experiences and to equip them with the knowledge and skills and understanding to manage the choices, changes and transitions ahead of them in an increasingly competitive and evolving world so they can “Learn More. Do more. Be more” and create a positive future for themselves.

Welcome to our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Welcome to our Careers education, information, advice and guidance website pages. In this section, you will be able to access information regarding all aspects of our careers education, information, advice and guidance.

At the Beacon of Light, we want our students to “Learn More. Do more. Be more” and we recognise that we have a critical role in raising aspirations and preparing our students for the next stage of their education or training and beyond.

There has never been a time when careers guidance has been as important as it is today because our young people will be embarking upon a career pathway which is more challenging and complex than that faced by previous generations. Global opportunities and increasing technological advances will result in young people having several careers during their working life and potentially working in a career which does not exist today.

With the greater choices of education, training and employment, our aim is to raise
aspirations, prepare students for these ever-changing opportunities, responsibilities and experiences and to equip them with the knowledge and skills to manage the choices, changes and transitions ahead of them so they can “Learn More. Do more. Be more.”

Our careers education curriculum is delivered to all of our students through weekly
dedicated Careers and Life Skills lessons. In addition, we have partnerships with a wide range of educational institutions, training providers and employers who contribute to our careers programme and in line with the most recent careers guidance strategy, our careers plan supports the achievement of the eight Gatsby benchmarks.

For more detailed information, please refer to our Careers Delivery plan, which is also on this website.

We participate in a range of external activities including Sunderland’s Work Discovery Week and events organised by the Sunderland Business Partnership Scheme. All of our students have the opportunity to take part in a work experience placement during their time at the Beacon of Light.

The school provides in-school guidance and independent advice from our external
independent Careers Advisor, to ensure our students receive the impartial advice that they need and are entitled to.

The Beacon of Light has a whole school approach to careers education with every member of staff helping to deliver quality and impartial CEIAG, allowing students to access the necessary information to help them make informed decisions about their futures.

We regularly review and evaluate our careers programme to ensure our students receive the best possible provision and to inform future planning.

As part of our commitment to providing high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance we are working towards the Inspiring IAG Gold Quality Award in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG); an award which meets the Quality in Careers Standards.

Having achieved Stage 1 in July 2021, we were delighted to achieve Stage 2 in March 2022 and we are now working towards full validation of this prestigious award.

We hope you will find this section of our website informative and easy to use. If you require more information about any aspect of our careers education, information advice and guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can follow our careers news and updates on our social media.


Kim Newby
Careers Leader

Should you require any of our careers information in an alternative format (accessible PDF, large print, easy to read, braille) please contact Kim Newby our Careers Leader.

07436 339195


The CEIAG Team at The Beacon of Light

We have a whole school approach to CEIAG at The Beacon of Light, with every member of staff helping to deliver quality and impartial CEIAG, supporting all students to find and use the information they need to help them make informed decisions about their futures.

Careers Leader- Kim Newby

Responsible for the strategic leadership of CEIAG across the school and development of external links with employers, apprenticeship providers, colleges and universities. Also responsible for the development of the school’s Careers Strategy, its monitoring and evaluation as well as the provision of CEIAG CPD for all staff. Develops and evaluates the Careers Education Programme to develop our students’ resilience, self-esteem and aspirations.

Ensures all students have access to personal careers guidance which is independent and impartial.

Our Careers Advisor: Together for Children

Responsible for providing independent and impartial advice, careers guidance interviews for every student and developing personal action plans to enable all of our students to plan for a positive future.

Deputy Principal: Lindsay Howells

Develop careers education and employability skills through teaching and learning across the school and promote post 16 pathways. Develop positive work skills across the school, especially attendance punctuality and ‘behaviours for the work place.’ Integrate CEIAG into annual CPD programme for all staff.

SENDCo - Lindsay Howells

Works closely with the local authority and other professionals to support planned transition from school into appropriate post-16 opportunities SEND students. Provides support to SEND students with their individual careers action plans and reviews career action plans with their parents/carers.

All staff

Encourage students to think positively about their career prospects and what they could be doing to enhance their futures. Help develop students’ employability skills within lessons. Link curriculum to careers (in lessons, tutor time, cross-curricular days.) Promote progression routes within curriculum areas and help prepare students for the world of work and develop external links whenever possible.


Careers Curriculum (Gatsby Benchmark 1)

Careers curriculum 1 768x67

Careers curriculum 3

Careers curriculum 2

At The Beacon of Light, we all have a critical role to play in preparing our young people for the next stage of their education or training and beyond.


A young person’s career is their pathway through learning and work and we recognise that effective careers guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success and we are committed to achieving the inspiring IAG award.

Our Vision

We have high expectations for all of our students, including for our most vulnerable and those with special educational needs and disabilities, so that every student is challenged appropriately and acquires the knowledge, skills and attitudes for lifelong learning which employers value. This will help every young person to realise their potential and enhance their employability and build a positive future for themselves.

To raise aspirations, engage and prepare students for these everchanging opportunities, responsibilities and experiences and to equip them with the knowledge and skills and understanding to manage the choices, changes and transitions ahead of them in an increasingly competitive and evolving world so they can “Learn More. Do more. Be more” and create a positive future for themselves.

During their time at the Beacon of Light all students receive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) which has four essential and interlinked elements:

  • Careers education-planned programmes in the curriculum (students have a weekly careers education lesson and also study careers education in their tutor time and additional planned cross-curricular opportunities) giving students the knowledge and skills to help them make informed decisions, plan and manage their own careers.
  • Careers information-including options, employability skills, labour market information (LMI) and progression routes.
  • Careers advice and guidance- Level 6 qualified specialist advisor helping students to identify future goals and plan the steps to achieve these career goals.
  • Work related learning –experiences in/outside the curriculum to help students learn about economic well-being, careers and enterprise.

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Latest Labour Market Information (Gatsby Benchmark 2)

The world is moving very fast and as a result the labour market frequently changes. New technologies and industries create new job opportunities and make others job roles obsolete making it hard to keep up with new developments.

When thinking about your future career, it is important to consider which jobs are available in our region as well as where the jobs are likely to be created. This important information is called Labour Market Information and it can also include information about:

  • The industries and businesses which operate in your area
  • The types of jobs that exist and what they involve.
  • How many of those jobs there are.
  • The skills that are currently or will be in high demand.
  • Commute and travel to work patterns.
  • Typical rates of pay.
  • Career progression opportunities.

The videos in the following section have been provided by the North East LEP and can give you the latest information about what is happening in the North East.

Useful Labour Market Information Resources

LMI For All is a comprehensive portal that collates various sources of LMI to provide high-quality data. ICould uses data from LMI For All as well as real-life personal stories from young people. It has thousands of resources including videos and a calendar of careers events across the UK. The National Careers Service offers over 800 job profiles on its website. Under each profile you’ll learn about the average salary, working hours, typical duties, and routes into the profession.


Labour Market Information Portal

The Tyne and Wear, Northumberland and Durham Labour Market Information Portal provides up to date labour market information for the Tyne and Wear, Durham and Northumberland areas. Supporting Inspiration

Supporting Inspiration helps schools and colleges to build new and improved relationships with businesses. It also provides continuous professional development (CPD) opportunities for Careers Practitioners and a range of up-to-date labour market information resources to assist their work supporting young people to make informed career choices.


The Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations to support the process of identifying potential careers.

The Careerometer widget provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.

The data are organised by occupation: simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you.

Post-16 Pathways (Gatsby Benchmark 7)

What are my post-16 choices when I leave school?

In September 2015, the government raised the participation age.

This means that young people in England must continue in education or training until 18 years of age.

This does not necessarily mean staying in school; young people have a choice about how they continue in education or training post-16, which could be through:

  • Full-time study in a school, college or with a training provider;
  • Full-time work or volunteering (20 hours or more) combined with regulated part-time education or training (about one day per week);
  • An apprenticeship

Throughout the year, we arrange for representatives from local colleges apprenticeship and training providers to meet our students. This may be through an organised visit to the place of learning or the representatives may meet our students in school.

All year groups take part in these visits so they can explore their post-16 options in more detail, before deciding what they want to do when they leave the Beacon of Light.


Colleges offer “A Level” courses as well as practical courses. Our local colleges offer a wide variety of both academic and practical courses at different levels. They will have open evenings throughout the year for you to find out more information and ask questions. You can find out the dates of the open evenings on their websites.

Our local colleges:

City of Sunderland College East Durham College(includes Houghall College for land-based and animal care courses)

Gateshead CollegeNewcastle CollegeNew College Durham South Tyneside College/includes South Shields Marine School

Sixth Forms

Sixth forms usually offer more “A level” and other academic courses. If you prefer learning in a school-type environment, sixth forms are a good choice for you.

Our local sixth forms:

City of Sunderland College Sixth FormSt Anthony & St Aidan’s Sixth FormSixth form at SouthmoorSt Roberts of Newminster Sixth FormA Levels are an academic course which you usually study in a sixth form college or in a further education college. A Levels involve an in-depth study of a subject and the courses focus on theories, ideas and knowledge

T Levels are an alternative to A Levels, apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 courses.  They are taught over 2 years and are equivalent 3 A Levels. T Levels focus on vocational skills and can help you into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships

For more information, visit:

Apprenticeships are real jobs with a recognised qualification.  They are a popular choice, but they are very competitive and we advise you to have a back-up plan and to apply to college as well. You can find more information on the apprenticeships section of this website.

Training providers offer vocational courses in a smaller environment. Training Providers work with employers to provide apprenticeships, traineeships and employability/personal development learning.

The National Careers Service can help you with your career, learning and training choices.

National Careers Service

T Levels (Gatsby Benchmark 7)

What are T levels?

T Levels are a new 2-year qualification that will give you a head start towards the career you want. The government has developed T Levels to deliver world-class technical education and give you a new choice after your GCSEs.

T Levels have been designed in partnership with businesses and employers to give you the skills and knowledge to succeed in the workplace. Each course includes a 45-day industry placement with a local employer to help get you ready for work. More than 200 businesses – including Fujitsu and Skanska – have been involved so you can be confident a T Level will move you to the next level.

When you pass a T Level, you will get a nationally recognised certificate showing the overall grade you achieved – pass, merit, distinction or distinction*. It will also give details of what you learned on the course to help you move into skilled employment or a higher apprenticeship. Your T Level will be worth UCAS points – a T Level Distinction* is worth the same as 3 A Levels at A* – and will be recognised by universities and other education providers so you can choose to continue studying if you wish

Which subjects can I study T levels in?

T Level courses have been released in stages since September 2020. You can study T levels in the following subjects:

  • Building Services Engineering for Construction
  • Design surveying and Planning for Construction
  • Digital Business Services
  • Digital Production, Design and Development
  • Digital Support Services
  • Education and Childcare
  • Health
  • Healthcare Science
  • Onsite Construction
  • Science

There will be more T Levels available over the next 2 years covering everything from agriculture to catering and engineering to science.

September 2022 onwards

  • Accounting
  • Design and Development for Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing and Control
  • Finance
  • Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Management and Administration
September 2023 onwards
  • Agriculture, Land Management and Production
  • Animal Care and Management
  • Catering
  • Craft and Design
  • Hair, Beauty and Aesthetics
  • Human Resources
  • Legal Services
  • Media, Broadcast and Production

Where can I study T Levels?

From September 2022, the following T Levels are available in our region:

City of Sunderland College offer T Levels at both of their campuses.

  • Adult Nursing
  • Building Services Engineering for Construction
  • Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction
  • Digital Production, Design and Development
  • Education and Care
  • Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing and Control
  • Laboratory Science
  • Management and Administration

The college is also offering a T Level Transition Programme which is a 1-year post-GCSE course designed to prepare you for your chosen T Level. It will give you the knowledge, practical and study skills and work experience to excel in your chosen subject.

Gateshead College

  • Carpentry and Joinery
  • Construction, Design, Surveying and Planning
  • Digital Business Services
  • Digital Production, Design and Development
  • Digital Support Services
  • Education and Childcare
  • Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing and Control
  • Health
  • Healthcare Science
  • Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Management and Administration
  • Science

East Durham College (Peterlee Campus)

  • Agriculture, Land Management & Production Care
  • Building Services Engineering for Construction
  • Digital Support Services
  • Early years, Education and Childcare
  • Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing and Control
  • Health
  • Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Science

New College Durham

  • Accounting
  • Design and Development for Mechanical Engineering
  • Construction: Civil Engineering
  • Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction
  • Digital Production, Design and Development
  • Digital Support Services
  • Education and Childcare
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Health: Mental Health; Supporting Healthcare;
  • Health: Supporting the Midwifery Team
  • Laboratory Science
  • Teacher Assistant
  • Team Leadership and Management

For more information, visit the dedicated website:

Click on the video link:

Apprenticeship Information (Gatsby Benchmark 3)

An apprenticeship is a real job where you learn, gain experience and get paid.

You are an employee with a contract of employment and holiday leave. By the end of an apprenticeship, you will have the right skills and knowledge needed for your chosen career.

It can take between one and 6 years to complete an apprenticeship depending on which one you choose, what level it is and your previous experience. It is funded from contributions made by the government and your employer.

Each apprenticeship has a level and an equivalent education level. You can start an apprenticeship at any level.

Depending on the level, some apprenticeships may require previous qualifications such as an English or maths or give extra training in the English or maths skills needed.

At the end of the apprenticeship, you will achieve the equivalent education level. For example, if you complete a level 3 apprenticeship, you’ll achieve the equivalent of an A level.

A_to_Z_of_apprenticeshipsHigher Degree ListingUseful resources and links:

Where are our students now?

Every year we collect information about our Y11 leavers post-16 destinations after leaving The Beacon of Light.

Most students decide to continue their education at one of our local colleges.

Some students decide they want to start work and train and either opt for an apprenticeship or employment with training.

We also follow their career pathways after they finish their studies or apprenticeship and training. It is wonderful to see the positive futures they have carved out for themselves. Some of our students plan to go on to university and some decide they want to undertake additional training to further their careers.


From the Beacon of Light to Network Engineer in the Royal Signals


From the Beacon of Light to Sunderland College and an offer of a place at university to study Midwifery


From the Beacon of Light to an apprenticeship

Where will you be this time next year?

Future Careers Events

In this section you will find details of forthcoming events at local colleges and training and apprenticeship providers.

It is never too early to start planning for your future career pathway and it’s important to explore all your options before making your final decision about your post-16 destination.

As well as visiting a variety of education and training providers with the Beacon of Light, it is a good idea to attend one of the many open evenings which providers offer during the year. This gives you an opportunity to have a look round, meet the staff and ask questions.

You may need to register beforehand to attend these events.

All details correct at time of publication, please check websites for updates and further information

City of Sunderland College

Bede Campus
Tuesday 10 October 2023, 4.30pm- 6.30pm
Tuesday 16 November 2023, 4.30pm- 6.30pm
Tuesday 16 January 2024, 4.30pm- 6.30pm
Thursday 14 March 2024, 4.30pm- 6.30pm
Saturday 27 April, 2024, 10am- 12.30pm

City Campus
Thursday 12 October 2023, 4.30pm- 6.30pm
Tuesday 14 November 2023, 4.30pm- 6.30pm
Thursday 18 January 2024, 4.30pm- 6.30pm
Tuesday 12 March 2024, 4.30pm- 6.30pm
Saturday 20 April, 2024, 10am- 12.30pm

For further information and to see the range of Higher Education Courses offered go to: Durham College

Houghall Campus

College Experience Night/ Open Evening:
Wednesday 25 October 2023 5.30pm-7pm
Wednesday 29 November 2023, 5.30pm-7pm
Wednesday 31 January 2024 ,5.00pm-6.30pm
Wednesday 28 February 2024 ,5.00pm-6.30pm
Wednesday 27 March 2024, 5.30pm-7pm
Wednesday 1 May 2024, 5.30pm-7pm

Houghall Campus Open Days
Saturday 30 September 2023, 9.30am- 11.30am
Saturday 15 June 2024,9.30am-11.30am

Foundation Studies Information Events:
Thursday 9 November 2023, 5pm- 6.30pm
Thursday 11 January 2024, 5pm- 6.30pm
Thursday 7 March 2024, 5pm- 6.30pm
Thursday 25 April 2024, 5pm- 6.30pm
Thursday 14 June 2024, 5pm- 6.30pm

Year 11 February Half Term Taster Day:
Monday 19 February 2024, 10am – 2pm

Peterlee Campus
Peterlee Campus, ED6 and Technical Academy Open Evening
Wednesday 27 September 2023 5pm- 6.30pm

ED6 A Levels:
Wednesday 11 October 2023, 5pm-6.30pm Parents’ Information Event
Thursday 19 October 2023, 5pm- 6.30pm
Thursday 30 November 2023, 5pm-6.30pm
Thursday 8 February 2024, 5pm-6.30pm
Thursday 18 April 2024, 5pm-6.30pm
Thursday 6 June 2024 5pm-6.30pm

College Experience Nights and Open Evenings:
Monday 23 October 2023, 5.30pm- 7pm
Monday 27 November 2023 5.30pm – 7pm
Monday 29 January 2024, 5.30pm-7pm
Monday 4 March 2024, 5.30pm-7pm
Monday 22 April 2024, 5.30pm-7pm
Monday 10 June 2024, 5.30pm- 7pm

Foundation Studies Information Events:
Tuesday 7 November 2023 5pm- 6.30pm
Tuesday 9 January 2024, 5pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 5 March 2024, 5pm- 6.30pm
Tuesday 23 April 2024, 5pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 11 June 2024, 5pm-6.30pm

Year 11 February Half Term Taster Day:
Monday 19 February 2024, 10am – 2pm

Gateshead College College College College Durham additional colleges, apprenticeship and training providers, please check their websites for their latest updates.

Work-related Learning (Gatsby Benchmark 6)

Work experience is a valuable experience for all young people and all of our students have the opportunity to take part in work experience during their time at Beacon of Light.

It is an opportunity for students to spend some time with an employer or other organisation, allowing them to experience as far as possible the hours, working conditions and regulations they may encounter when they go to work themselves.

Work experience is not necessarily about trying out a preferred career choice, it is an opportunity to find out about working life and employability skills. It will help students to learn more about the world of work; this means understanding the workplace, working with other people, improving employability skills and being able to communicate clearly with adults.

Some of our students have been taking part in a work placement with TRN this year learning new construction skills as well as finding out about careers in the construction sector.

Work Experience Parental Consent FormWork Experience Placement Form For more information, contact our Careers Leader, Kim Newby

07436 339195

Careers Guidance (Gatsby Benchmark 8)

Careers advisors from Together For Children provide independent and impartial information, advice and guidance to all our students regarding their career aspirations.

This enables students to explore their post 16 options and future career pathways at colleges, sixth form colleges, apprenticeship and other learning providers.

During Year 11, every student is offered at least one careers guidance meeting to discuss their interests, ambitions and the options open to them. Following this meeting they will be given a written summary with relevant information and an action plan.

We also arrange for all students in Y9 and Y10 to attend guidance meetings throughout their time at the Beacon of Light so they can begin to plan for their futures.

Should you wish to attend your son’s/daughter’s careers guidance meeting, please contact our Careers Leader, Kim Newby to arrange this.

07436 339195

Useful Links and Resources

It is never too early to start talking about careers with young people. It can be really valuable to have a conversation with your child about their career plans. Even an informal chat is good, but if you want to give them more advice, use one of the links on this page or contact us at The Beacon of Light for more information.

icould is a small charity providing career inspiration and information for young people. They provide a range of career videos and articles which examine the range of choices available to young people at 16 and 18. Many of the articles written are  especially aimed at parents/carers. out which career you may be suited to. National Careers Service is also a reliable source of impartial advice and guidance. short assessment takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete and when you finish, you will see some suggestions of roles you may enjoy based on your answers. You can also explore these  careers  on the National Careers  Service website. is an online search and application tool for post 16 courses.  This is the preferred method of application for some sixth form providers in Sunderland.
ews and information. Box is a free online library of careers related videos, news and information. Life Skills helps young people get the skills and experiences they need to enter the world of work. this website school and college leavers can search for  thousands of jobs, opportunities and apprenticeships in UK. Monster’s resources to create a good quality CV, search for jobs, prepare for interviews and launch your career.

Inspiring IAG Quality Award

As part of the Beacon of Light’s commitment to providing high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), we are working towards the Inspiring IAG Quality in Careers Standard. Having achieved Stage 1 in July 2021, we were delighted to achieve Stage 2 in March 2022 and we are now preparing for Stage 3.

The Inspiring IAG Quality in Careers Standard is a national quality award which provides a good practice framework for organisations that work with young people, which includes schools, colleges, and other learning providers.

Organisations progress through each of the three stages where it is validated and assessed. The process helps organisations to identify areas for development as well as recognising good practice in CEIAG.

The Department of Education in its July 2021 Statutory Guidance strongly recommended all state-funded secondary schools and further education colleges to work towards, achieve, and maintain this national Standard. The Standard is fully aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good career Guidance and complies with the DfE’s Statutory Guidance.

To achieve this award, we need to show that we have an effective programme of careers education, enterprise and employability including work-related learning opportunities for students. In addition, we are required to show that our careers programme:

  • has strong leadership from the Head Teacher, the senior leadership team and trustees
  • has effective training for staff involved in planning and delivering the careers programme
  • includes all pupils and students

Employers, as well as further and higher education providers, must be involved in the programme to open up and increase students’ understanding of a wide range of options, routes and providers of apprenticeships, internships, colleges and universities.

We also need to demonstrate that our careers programme will:

  • educate, prepare and inspire young people as they make decisions about their future learning and work choices
  • improve their motivation and aspiration
  • develop their career learning skills, knowledge and attributes, and
  • increase their understanding of work-based issues such as prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination and equal opportunities.

For further information about this award, please click here: further information about the Gatsby Benchmarks, please click here:

Careers News Bulletins (Gatsby Benchmark 5)

We have recently introduced our monthly Career News Bulletins which are sent out to our students, parents and carers.

Our Careers News bulletins are designed to support all students and their families with planning their future career pathways. We also want to let you know about the support and guidance we give to our students as they start to think about their futures. You can also keep up to date with careers events and activities which our students have been involved in.

If you have missed previous issues, look no further, you can find out what has been happening and keep up to date with local labour market information too.

If you would prefer to receive an electronic version or should you require any

of our careers information in an alternative format (accessible PDF, large print, easy to read, braille) please do not hesitate to contact our school office.


Transition Bulletin 2023Careers News Bulletin 1

Careers News Bulletin 2Careers News Bulletin 3Careers News Bulletin 4

Careers News Bulletin 5

Policies and Career Strategy

In this section you will find the policies and Careers Strategy for our CEIAG programme

Careers Strategy 2020-2023CEIAG policyProvider Access policy

Work Experience policy