Reach Out For Support

Keep Safe @ Beacon of Light - The Big Red Button

Although talking face to face is a really good way of working through any issues, sometimes it can be hard.

The Keep Safe – Big Red Button allows you to submit a personal problem that you may be struggling to talk about face to face.

Sometimes you want to report something to a teacher about a friend or something you may have seen/witnessed but again you can find it hard to do this face to face. The Keep Safe – Big Red Button allows you to make a report.

The Academy's designated safeguarding lead receives the information you submit and they look to support you in the most appropriate way.

What you submit does not always need shared with other members of staff. Sometimes we will let your year team staff know so they can support you and ensure your wellbeing. We may also seek your permission to let your own subject teachers know if it is appropriate.

The Big Red Button' is monitored between 8:15am-5:00pm Monday to Friday.

Reach Out For Support

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