Reach Out For Support
Beacon of Light 029


All students attending the Beacon of Light School wear our school uniform.

The uniform helps to unite our cohort who are coming to us from a wide range of commissioning schools/academies and brings students together with a shared identity and sense of belonging. This is very important in establishing the ethos of the school.

It would be unrealistic to expect parents/carers to purchase an entire new uniform in case the placement is not suitable and the student returns to their commissioning school. Therefore we have designed a uniform which is accessible to all students.

All students are required to wear:

  1. Beacon of Light sweatshirt (£15, purchased directly from school)
  2. White polo shirt or school shirt. No branded logos – plain white, please.
  3. Black school trousers, or plain black tracksuit bottoms (no visible logos) black school skirt and black tights. Plain black shorts may be worn in Summer
  4. Black school shoes or plain black trainers (no visible logos)

Students must wear only the uniform outlined above, and may only wear their outdoor clothing (such as coats, gloves, hats) when they are outside the school building. When inside they are expected to take these items of outdoor clothing off and place them onto the coat rails in reception.

If a student arrives to school incorrectly dressed, school will contact home to discuss the matter. The outcome will either be that the student returns home to change into the correct uniform or they will be given uniform to loan for one day. If they borrow uniform from school for the day it would be expected they return to school the following day in full school uniform. Should there be an issue with uniform, which is supported by home and discussed with school, we will discuss issuing a Uniform Slip for a specified period of time until the uniform issue is resolved.