Reach Out For Support



The school admissions process at the Beacon of Light School has to be flexible to accommodate the varying circumstances in which the young people on the margins of mainstream education find themselves.

BoL   admissions

Students are referred directly by other schools/academies/local authorities and are dual registered. Direct referrals can be made by schools or academies taking on the role of a Commissioner and working with the Beacon of Light School to ensure the best outcomes for individual students. Transition arrangements are designed to encourage incoming students to settle into the school confidently and quickly.


The induction process at The Beacon of Light School operates in five phases:

  1. Referral
  2. Assessment
  3. Induction Meeting
  4. 6-week Induction Period
  5. Review

To acquire a place at the Beacon of Light School, applicants in KS3 and KS4 have to be referred by an educational establishment or local authority (‘the Commissioner’).

The Beacon of Light School’s Deputy Principal manages the referral process. Once a Commissioner makes contact with The Beacon of Light School, the Deputy Principal (or nominated representative) will request that the student referral form is completed and submitted by the Commissioner.

The suitability of the student for a placement at the Beacon of Light School will be discussed and the Deputy Principal will arrange for a further discussion with the prospective student, an appropriate representative from the Commissioner and a parent/carer.

Part 2 of the student referral form will be completed at this stage and the student placed on an initial induction plan, which includes baseline testing in numeracy/literacy, signing an expectations agreement, and agreeing to a timetable of study.

After the initial meeting, in most cases, the student then starts a 6-week (half termly) programme of study customised and tailored to suit individual student needs. Places at the Beacon of Light School are subject to ongoing review. In exceptional circumstances, where the placement is deemed not in the best interests of the young person and/or other students, the Commissioning agreement will be reviewed after the initial half term/probationary period.

The views and wishes of young people and their families are an integral part of the referral process.

All referrals lead to an annual Commission/ contract between the Beacon of Light School and the Commissioner in the form of a service level agreement. The SLA period runs for the duration of one academic year, from September to August.

All students will be dual registered and the Beacon of Light School will take responsibility for the progress of each student referred, consulting the Commissioner regarding entry to Y11 formal examinations. The ‘top-up’ cost for each placement is set (outlined in the Admissions Policy and Service Level Agreement) and paid annually in advance.

All additional funding (for example, free school meals and Pupil Premium where applicable) will follow individual students. This is agreed through discussions with The Beacon of Light School’s Deputy Principal and the Commissioner, and highlighted within the Admissions Policy and Service Level Agreement.