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Vocational Hospitality and Tourism


The BTEC qualification in Hospitality and Tourism are designed around practical skills and tasks that place an emphasis on learners demonstrating what they can do rather than what they know in theory. The qualifications give learners the opportunity to acquire and develop generic, transferable and sector-specific skills in order to complete tasks,and demonstrate a level of achievement that enables them to progress to further learning.

The content of these qualifications has been developed in consultation with further education colleges and other providers to ensure that the qualifications support progression to further learning and training. All learners taking these qualifications will study core units that focus on key transferable skills such as research and planning, time management and working with others.

Learners will also take a number of sector units. The content of the sector units offers a broad introduction to the skills and knowledge within that sector, allowing the delivery to be practical and active in order to engage the learners. For hospitality and tourism, the units cover topics and activities such as preparing and cooking food and contributing to running hospitality and tourism events.